Thursday, December 29, 2016

The CCD Podcast: Episode #105 - Rogue One and The State of Star Wars

2016.... wow, what a year. We have seen monumental accomplishments in pop culture... Marvel movies and TV shows we never could have imagined seeing (Dr. Strange, Power Man), ratings that nerd shows can't believe (Game of Thrones, Westworld and the Walking Dead are some of the highest rated and most popular shows on TV), retro properties are hotter than ever (any thing from the 80s/80s that is re-released is sure to be a hit). Man, 2016 is certainly one of the best years to be alive and basking in the glory of the nerd-iverse! And what better way to wrap it all up in a sweet little bow then the FIRST EVER non saga Star Wars movie? Rogue One is here,... and we are EXCITED to discuss it, as well as what ramifications it's success will have on the whole Star Wars franchise! Join Jedi Rob, Joey Armao and Mike D as we chop it up CCD style in the Nerd Cave... long live 2016!!!!

Follow the CCD Podcast Instagram & Facebook... it's tons of nerdy fun!!!

Friday, December 9, 2016

The CCD Podcast: Episode #104 - The Future of Wrestling is.....Goldberg?

We have been doing these podcasts for awhile, but every once and again a certain topic brings us back to our teen age years for a sec and clouds our judgement completely. A few weeks back Goldberg defeated Brock Lesner and all of the sudden we were 12 all over again... Joe Armao and Steve Resk join Rob Martin in the CCD Nerd Cave to discuss the future of Wrestling and what we can expect in the next few months! 

Follow the CCD Podcast Instagram & Facebook... it's tons of nerdy fun!!!